
My Theology

I can think of no better way to begin my adventure in blogging than to share what I have been learning from the best book I've ever read on Christian living for women. The book was actually published in 2001, so I'm a little slow to find it, admittedly, but this also should be a signal to publishers not to completely forsake the backlist! The book is by Carolyn Custis James, and it is entitled When Life and Beliefs Collide: How Knowing God Makes a Difference. The title alone offers much food for thought, but if you need even more, here's an exceptional paragraph that all women should take to heart:

"The greatest asset a woman brings to her marriage is not her beauty, her charm, her feminine wiles, or even her ability to bear a child. It is her theology. Every wife is her husband's partner, pastor, spiritual counselor, motivational speaker, and his fellow soldier in the war zone. With her eyes fixed on Jesus, she is less inclined to make her husband, herself, or her children the center of the universe. With head and heart filled with the knowledge of God, she will find strength to enter the fray and wrestle with all of life's problems alongside her husband. As she lives in the light of God's sovereign goodness, she will radiate hope and courage to him in the darkest hours. With her feet firmly planted on God's holy character, she will find boldness to stand up to her man when his disobedience is tarnishing God's glory. And her husband will only be the better for it."

James's assertion is that we all, men and women, must know God deeply, and this knowledge forms our theology, which is essential for coping with the ups and downs that we will all face in life. Thank you, Carolyn, for encouraging us women to use our minds to inform our hearts. What an excellent, biblical treatment of women and our roles in the church.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new blog! You are very insightful and have a wonderful way of expressing yourself with your words. And I am very privileged to call you "friend".

Jewels said...

Hi Annette,

I'm so excited about your new blog! You, of all people, need to be a blogger. I'll definitely be adding you to my blogroll. Hey, this sounds like a good book. Julia