
At Seventeen

This picture accomplishes two purposes: clearly, it is a picture of the lovely Katie outside the church just after the wedding ceremony. But it also serves to celebrate Katie at 17--a little late. (Her birthday was July 26.)

I'm not sure how many 17-year-olds have the opportunity to serve as their mother's bridesmaids, but Katie did very well and looked beautiful in her bridesmaid dress. Katie tells everyone that turning 17 means that she can now legally go to R-rated movies. Sometimes, however, the law doesn't quite line up with family rules, and then the law of parents prevails. Happy birthday, anyway, Katie!

And to celebrate this special girl, I will give you, as closely as I can remember, a bit of dialogue from the room with the bride and attendants just before that walk down the aisle.

Julie (matron of honor) to Annette: You better go to the bathroom before you go out there. It's going to be a long time.

Annette: I'll just have to deal with it. I can't go to the bathroom in this dress.

Julie: It's going to be a long time.

Annette: Who's going to hold my dress for me? Katie?

Katie: I think Julie should do it. She's the matron of honor.

Annette: I think you should do it. You're flesh and blood.

Moments later in the ladies' room

Annette: Just think of all those times I changed your diapers. This is payback. Don't look!

Katie: Don't worry . . .

photo by the talented Judy G.


Jewels said...

Good one Katie - I knew I like you!

Annette Gysen said...

Katie thanks you and says that she likes you too!

The VW's said...

Happy Birthday Katie!!!