

I've been sitting here staring at my blog, trying to think of something to write about. I think I'm experiencing a personal autumn, although the results aren't nearly as lovely as some of the trees I see around me. It's an autumn in the sense that nothing new is growing at the moment, and I'm just basically hanging onto what is there, like the remaining leaves clinging to a tree branch.

Part of my problem is just some minor (and I underscore minor) health problems I've been wrestling with for a while now. Nothing life threatening--certainly not like cancer or heart disease--just annoying. And draining. Leaving me with little energy for writing. And I feel like a complete whiner even mentioning it when I think of the many people around me with real problems.

Hopefully spring will return to me faster than it does to Michigan. Maybe I'll even personally bypass winter. I think that there's probably some flexibility in our personal season changes. But in the meantime, I'll remind myself that autumn isn't just dying leaves; it's also apples and cinnamon, beautiful golds and reds, pumpkins, children dressed in costumes, and snuggling close to someone you love in front of the fireplace.


The VW's said...

I hope that you start feeling better soon! It probably doesn't help that this year's Autumn is so rainy and cold too! Get better and enjoy snuggling by the fire in the mean time! HUGS!

Jewels said...

Hey Annette! We need to get together soon. Call me!

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