
An Apology

Some readers of this blog may be aware that I have recently posted regarding conflicts in the church and classis of which I am a member. So as not to cause further damage and offense, I will not go into any more detail here regarding them. If you have read them, you know what I am writing about today. If you have not, I am thankful that you have not seen them.

The posts that I wrote grew from anger and frustration that I felt toward a situation and group of people. They did not demonstrate proper respect for the authority that God has placed over me, and they did not seek "to guard and advance my neighbor's good name" (Heidelberg Catechism Q and A 112). They were not words fitly written like apples of gold in settings of silver (Proverbs 25:11).

To those who were wronged by my words, I heartily apologize. I also apologize to all my readers. I am amazed whenever I learn that someone actually reads my blog (and I'm not ever entirely sure why anyone does), and I should have been more careful to serve all of you, and especially God, more lovingly with my words. Repentance is a sad (and yet good way--perhaps to be addressed in another post) reality of "being Christian in creed and deed," as is forgiveness.

On this Easter weekend, as I am reminded of my sin, I give thanks for a righteousness that comes apart from the law that I could never keep, that by Jesus Christ's "resurrection he has overcome death, so that he might  make us share in the righteousness he won for us by his death" (Heidelberg Catechism  Q and A 45).

Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:25).

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