
Who Can Stand?

This afternoon's sermon was taken from Exodus 12:21-42 and was aptly titled "The Exodus." Our minister has been preaching from the book of Exodus for the past several months, and I hope that the Israelites' departure from Egypyt will not be his departure from what has been an amazing, powerful sermon series that began with Moses' call to lead the people out, through the plagues, and now deliverance.

Early on in the series, it is said of Pharoah's magicians during the plague of boils that they cannot stand before Moses because of the boils on them, which raised the question, "Who can stand?" This question occurs in Revelation 6:17, when the terrifying sixth seal of judgment has been opened (much like the plagues of judgment on Egypt): "For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can stand?"

The sermon this afternoon revealed yet another Exodus-Revelation connection, as the Israelites' deliverance from Egypt was but a shadow of the deliverance accomplished for us in Christ. The church is a sojourning people ("pilgrims of the dispersion," Peter calls us), and as Israel's sojourn in Egypt ended with the Passover judgment and the deliverance of the Exodus, so the church, after a time of trouble, will be delivered with a glorious exodus from the earth, described in Revelation 7:9ff.

In the January 2007 Outlook, Rev. Brian Vos addresses both the question of who can stand and the answer in his article "Looking Above," tying together the themes of Exodus and Revelation, much as my own faithful pastor did:

"Who is able to stand? Revelation 7 gives you the answer: only those who are saved by the Lamb, washed in His blood, clothed in His righteousness, shall stand. And they shall stand, only to fall down in worshiping Him, their Shepherd who shall spread His tabernacle over them for all eternity. And in the tabernacle of His glorious Presence, you will never weep again."

To such faithful preaching and awesome truths, what other response could there be than that of the worshipers earlier in Revelation 7: "Amen!"


pearlie said...

Great post. Thanks on the Exodus and Revelation link - never seen it before.

only those who are saved by the Lamb, washed in His blood, clothed in His righteousness, shall stand.
We are assured of our salvation but still we are called to work it our with fear and trembling.

Annette Gysen said...

Thanks, Pearlie. I had never seen it before either. Isn't it amazing how God links the beginning and end of His word together?

Dave said...

The plagues as found in Revelation not only with the trumpets but also the bowls all mirror and point back to the plagues found in Egypt. William hendricksen brings this out in his excellent book, More Than Conquerors. this has also been pointed out in the series on Revelation that my minister has been doing.


Dave said...

And one other thing about the sealos, trumpets and bowls in Revelation: they are not different events, but all depict the same thing. It's just from a different vantage point. It's like watching a hockey game first from the blue line, then behind the net, then from center ice.
