
Pomp and Circumstance

A couple weeks ago, we celebrated the first in a number of major events this summer. Jonathan graduated from eighth grade at Dutton Christian School. It was an exciting evening, preceded by the traditional pre-graduation eighth-grade trip to Cedar Point the day before graduation. Henry and I went along, and we learned that there really isn't a ride Henry won't go on, although he will eventually decline multiple rides on the same roller coaster.

But back to the graduation: Here Jonathan is pictured with his grandpa and grandma after the graduation ceremony, greatly relieved that the pressure is off and he will soon be home removing the dreaded tie and belt that he was required to wear. During the graduation service, Jonathan accompanied the class on the drum set as they sang "The Happy Song." His performance was most impressive!

And now, the younger of my two children is a high school student. He will begin his high school career at West Michigan Lutheran High School this fall, which is located within a couple of blocks of our new home.


Jewels said...

Congratulations to Jonathon!!!

The VW's said...

Congrats Jonathon! Hope you enjoy your summer vacation!

Annette Gysen said...

Jonathan thanks you all for your congratulations!

Melissa said...

Congratulations Jonathan & many blessings as you go on to St. Mark's! Have a super summer!