
Great Stuff I Read This Week

Since 2009 is shaping up to be the year of the reading challenge for me, I would feel quite selfish if I didn't share some of the great stuff I've been enjoying. Hence, a new feature is born: Great Stuff I Read This Week. Each week I will attempt to share a brief passage from something I've been reading.

"When [the apostle] Paul wished all prophecy to be made to accord with the analogy of faith [Rom. 12:6], he set forth a very clear rule to test all interpretation of Scripture. Now, if our interpretation be measured by this rule of faith, victory is in our hands. For what is more consonant with faith than to recognize that we are naked of all virtue, in order to be clothed by God? That we are empty of all good, to be filled by him? That we are slaves of sin, to be freed by him? Blind, to be illumined by him? Lame, to be made straight by him? Weak, to be sustained by him? To take away from us all occasion for glorying, that he alone may stand forth gloriously and we glory in him [cf. 1 Cor. 1:31; 2 Cor. 10:17]?"

~From John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, "Prefatory Address to King Francis"

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