
The Big Apple

I love my job--really! As if it weren't enough that I get to be an editor, I get to be an editor at a Christian publisher, with an incredibly knowledgeable and experienced team leader and mentor (they don't like to be called bosses), and I get to work with a highly motivated team of overachievers like myself--and we all truly like each other! (The exclamation points are getting a little out of control here, I admit, but this is genuine enthusiasm!) And then--about a month ago--I got to experience the icing on the cake.

Our team leader called an informal meeting of three of us: me, our production manager, and our marketing manager. M., our production manager who has also become one of my favorite girlfriends of all time, informed me on our way to collecting K., the marketing manager, that we three were headed to New York City to the Book Business Conference and Expo. While it made perfect sense to me that M. and K. should be going, it really wasn't registering that I would be going along, and I kept asking M., "Are you sure she said me?" But I should have known that M. would never be capable of a joke that cruel.

So we collected ourselves (K. was pretty collected--he travels all the time) and told our team leader, "Yes, I think I can find time for that in my schedule."

All this is to say that I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few days at the conference and possibly at a Broadway show after the conference is over for the day, which is why there probably won't be too many new postings the first part of next week. Let me see . . . I could blog, or I could make adventures to blog about from New York City--and of course I'm going to be learning a lot too! It's a tough decision, but I'm leaning toward adventure...

And I'm also feeling a little like Melanie Griffith at the end of Working Girl. The setting will certainly be right--at least for the next few days!!!