
Gavin's Voice

I've added a new blog to my list of "other interesting sites": Gavin's Voice. Gavin's mom is the blogger, and her site is just a marvel of inspiration and information. Gavin's family goes to our church, and the journey they have all been travelling the past year and a half is an amazing one.

Gavin was born in September 2006, the fourth boy in his family. Unlike his three older brothers, however, Gavin suffered complications and was diagnosed with Down syndrome. He had all kinds of health problems (heart defects, at one point a stroke), and spent most of the first year of his life in the hospital both in Ann Arbor and here in Grand Rapids. It's not clear how much Gavin will be able to develop; he's continued to suffer seizures for sometime, but thankfully has enjoyed some respite from them the last few weeks. And yet, he's taught all of us who have followed his story so much about faith in God, courage, perseverance, and how God continues to care for His people in the storms of life.

Actually, we've learned a lot from Gavin's mom, Alicia, and his dad, Joel, too. And his three older brothers make us smile from time to time with their boy mischief and humor. If you're looking for some inspiration, some insight into what it's like for a family with a special needs child like Gavin, and some adorable photography, check out Gavin's Voice. He and his family are among my favorite super heroes!

1 comment:

The VW's said...


Super Heroes?! The boys will be glad to hear that! But, super heroes we are not! Only God's grace has got us through! I am so humbled by the strength that He has given to our family and by all the support that He's sent our way! Thankyou for yours! We are so blessed!

Have a great week!

Love, Alicia