
Wedding Update

With 164 days to go, THE WEDDING looms ever nearer, and with every day it seems we fall farther behind in the decisions that must be made, the deposits that must be paid, and the services that must be reserved. And yet--there has been some progress. We have decided the following:

1. The date--July 11.

2. The place--Trinity United Reformed Church (Henry's church).

3. The ministers--each of our beloved pastors has agreed to have a part in the ceremony.

4. Each of us has chosen our best man and attendant of honor--and yes, "attendant" is an intentional choice on my part, and it has nothing to do with political correctness. I just think the word "matron" sounds old and fat (neither of which describes my attendant of honor).

5. That we aren't going to just run off somewhere like Vegas (admittedly my idea--Henry finds this to be a less-than-Reformed approach).

6. The color theme--I let Katie choose, and so it's pink.

7.Invitations have been selected as well as the sentiment. Now I just have to order them.

8. A photographer that I'm really excited about. Her Web site is here.

9. And on the negative side: There will be no cake smashing in the face at the reception; no pictures taken after the ceremony just before the reception (as many as possible before the service); and no bird seed/rice/strange things being thrown at the bride and groom as they leave the church. No unity candle or New Agey sand thing. No receiving line at the end. These little bride and groom bears will be nowhere at the actual wedding. And even if my pastor forgets to say "You may kiss the bride" at the end as he has done at one other wedding I've attended, we shall kiss anyway.

We only have about a thousand major wedding- and marriage-related decisions to make before now and July. We'll be fine.


Jewels said...

Sounds like you're making progress! It will be here before you know it.

Annette Gysen said...

Do you think people would mind if we just skipped the whole reception thing and gave everyone restaurant gift certificates? It would probably be less expensive, and everyone would still get something to eat. . . This whole reception business is not easy!

Jewels said...

That would be interesting.

Jewels said...

What are you thinking of doing now?